Monday, February 13, 2017

An Asian Auschwitz

In my opinion the United States did not do the right thing. I know that life isn’t always fair but with the court system we have in America they usually try to make things generally the same. Unit 731 did some similar things to the Nazis and we punished them but we did not punish unit 731. Both of these would be considered crimes against humanity in my opinion and for only one of them to be punished for it seems a little crazy to me.
This unit did experiments on live human beings. Shiro Ishii was the leader of unit 731. He and his men killed up to 12,000 men and women and no one survived. The people they killed were mostly Chinese prisoners but there were also Koreans, Soviets, and Mongolians. The thought about how someone can lead of group of people and can get them to do crazy nasty things like this and not get punished in any shape way or form bugs me a little bit. If you think about in America a person who murders just one person without any torture is sentenced to almost guaranteed life in prison. But someone who kills 12,000 people and tortures them and makes them go through living hell isn’t even punished.
By the sounds of the article some of the experiments were actually kind of reasonable and actually gave a little bit of helpful information. But most of the experiments were just messed up and made absolutely no sense on why they were performed. I would like for them to explain to me why they had to do some of the sick and twisted things like take out organs from live strapped down humans or put someone in a pressurized room until they die.
All of these sick and twisted things it makes me think that maybe some of these “scientists” in this group were maybe being forced. Maybe the government told them that they would kill them if they didn’t do these things. Or maybe they were just getting payed that much they needed to do it for their family. I still just can’t believe that there was a group of human beings that were so messed up in the head that they could do such a thing to other human beings.
The unit not only planned on killing people in their lab but they also had plans to poison American cattle so they would become worthless and maybe even kill thousands of American’s because of disease. To think that the American government knew about that and still let them get away harm free bugs me even more. I know they didn’t end up doing it but what if it did? What would be their reaction then?

To end it all off this whole article and situation is very disturbing and honestly depressing. It’s scary to think that such messed up stuff has happened in this world. I hope that articles like this can be read all over so that hopefully insane crimes against humanity can be avoided in the future.