Tuesday, September 26, 2017

I don’t think that this is as big as a deal as they are making it seem. There are hundreds and hundreds of photographers in Minneapolis and I promise you that most will shoot same sex marriages. They have the freedom of religion and freedom of their own beliefs to do what they want to do with their business and their lives. There is always going to be people who aren’t going to agree and are going to go against what most people would say is right and wrong. Everyone is the world has a different mind and a different outlook on everything and these people not wanting to go against their religion is not a bad thing at all. I am 100 percent not against gay marriage or same sex marriage but I understand other people’s point of views in most situations. Same sex marriage is a new and different thing in the world so people who partake in it should know that it isn’t going to be a smooth road all the time. You are going to get treated un equal and different sometimes but that is the sacrifice you are going to have to make. As of now I do not see this as a problem but in 20-30 years it may be. People change and so does the world but life always goes on. 

Monday, September 25, 2017

My first memory that I vividly remember is sledding with Zac Fries and Bo was pulling us behind the 4 wheeler and we let go of the rope and slid underneath their mom's car. I remember it mostly because it was so scary to me. 
I don't remember my very first lie but it was most likely about something crazy i did. 
People must pass a drug test before getting government help with food stamps or welfare. If drug test is failed they will not be given aid until drug test can be passed and it can be proven that they are not on drugs. Punishment will be in place if drug test are failed more than once. This amendment would be good with getting rid of the people who cheat the system and help people who actually need it.

Monday, September 18, 2017

US- Lebron
CS- Sprite
UR- Wanting to be like Lebron
CR- Wanting to drink sprite to be like Lebron
Summarize the amendment in 3 sentences or less
Bail or punishment should not be too extreme nor to less for what the crime is. Bail or punishment should be appropriate to how serious the crime is.
Prepare a 'cheat sheet' – Bail should not be to extreme for what has been done. Lots of times there is arguments on how bail is to extreme or is not enough but in a court of law usually it is set to a point where most people will agree with what is set.
Define any vocabulary terms (be ready to answer questions about any words or phrases you use!)
Bail- the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money be lodged to guarantee their appearance in court.
Answer the following:
                What is the historical background of this amendment (why was it made?)
It was apart of the english bill of rights in 1689 and was attached to the United States bill of rights in 1791.
                What does this amendment mean today?
It is pretty much the guidelines of the law system and how people are punished equally and fairly
                Present examples of current issues involving this amendment.

Every case that goes through court is affected by this amendment because it is suppose to avoid excessive bail and punishment but still today there is some cases that people think they were wrongly charged.