Tuesday, February 20, 2018

1.   1.    Every man dies but not every man always lives. Every person in the world is born with a sense of purpose. That purpose is for them to find and chase. This purpose could be so many different things and every single person is different. Some people do not have the drive or desire to become the very best they can be. They are content with what they have and do not see the point in trying to better themselves. These people have virtually died because they are done growing as a person. The minute that a person gives up and doesn’t try to better themselves is when that person dies.
2.    2.   Survival is key when it comes to life. When you are faced with a tough or scary situation your body and mind react in complete survival mode. Acting civilized is what people do every day. Some struggle more than others but with every civilized person there is a savage self-inside them. This comes out when your body is trying to survive. Life throws so many obstacles at people and they want the best for themselves, so their savage side will always act out in these situations. Many people do not like to admit when they act in this savage way because they do not usually know they are acting that way.
3.     3.  Society is people living together in a collective community. It doesn’t define a specific person instead the people. It can range from the being the world as a society even down to your community. Civilization is created by the people wanting to better their lives and make advancements for the good. Society is controlled by the people that are apart of it. Their morals and values are going to contribute to who these people are and how they are going to act. The society someone grows up in is overall going to have a factor on who that person becomes. Their morals and values are going to be formed by what they are brought up around. But society can change when different people enter and influence that society. Therefore, people control society.
4.  4.      He is saying Simon should quit and not try to get saved.
Simon is not making it fun for everyone.
He is in Simon’s head, Simon is putting so much thought into it and it is ruining him.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Mason Larson
1.  18-24 months
2.  84,995
3.  Burma and Iraq
4.  39,000
5.  California, Texas, and, New York
6.  The sudden increase in 1980, the 90s having so much going on, and, the sudden decrease from 2015-2017
7.  The decrease in unaffiliated, how muslims decreased 07-12, the steady Christian population.
8.  Because we weren’t in war with them.
   9.   It went from Europe and Africa to Asia. Bhutan.
10.  Bunch of African Refugees, Use to be Lots more Asian refugees, Wyoming almost had no refugees
11.  50,000 refugees
12.  March was low
13.  60 million
14.  12.5 million
15.  Norway and Switzerland
Do you believe the U.S., being a world power and first world country, has an obligation to help refugees and/or give them humanitarian aid? Yes and No. It is hard with countries we don’t get along with because it makes us vulnerable and “weak”. We also are in lots of debt which is always a hard thing to deal with because of the cost. In my opinion I think we should sometimes because we are very blessed to be where we are so we should spread the love and positivity.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sex slavery is obviously a very bad problem all over the world. Even in America it is a major issue. But reading about the stolen boys in Afghanistan makes me feel uneasy. Coming from my background I have never been put in a situation remotely close to this before. I understand other countries have different customs and laws but having young boys as slaves and them getting raped shouldn’t sound ok to anyone in any part of the world. Growing up that was all they know so it is hard for them to truly make efforts to get out of it. Putting myself in the boys’ shoes who must go through all of this makes me feel sick. Being enslaved to anyone usually means you are not going to be treated well at all. But then to think about being a sex slave makes it worse. Trying to find a way to escape my owners would be on my mind at all times.  Obviously being a sex slave wouldn’t be enjoyable and having to suffer and not have any way out I would feel helpless and just lost with my life. Suicidal thoughts have never crossed my brain but with those circumstances I feel like it might be lingering.