Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sex slavery is obviously a very bad problem all over the world. Even in America it is a major issue. But reading about the stolen boys in Afghanistan makes me feel uneasy. Coming from my background I have never been put in a situation remotely close to this before. I understand other countries have different customs and laws but having young boys as slaves and them getting raped shouldn’t sound ok to anyone in any part of the world. Growing up that was all they know so it is hard for them to truly make efforts to get out of it. Putting myself in the boys’ shoes who must go through all of this makes me feel sick. Being enslaved to anyone usually means you are not going to be treated well at all. But then to think about being a sex slave makes it worse. Trying to find a way to escape my owners would be on my mind at all times.  Obviously being a sex slave wouldn’t be enjoyable and having to suffer and not have any way out I would feel helpless and just lost with my life. Suicidal thoughts have never crossed my brain but with those circumstances I feel like it might be lingering. 

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