Wednesday, October 4, 2017

With the number of shootings that have happened in America and now in the world there has been a stereo type that has been developed about shootings. In this article they talk about how the percentage of people who partake in these shootings are males and they talk about things on how it has to do with the way men act or their personality is.
                Quite honestly, I do agree with them on this a lot. There is no one on this earth that is the exact same as someone else and no one that has the same morals or beliefs. When I think about if I would ever do this I say no but there are many other things I have said that about that I have done too. Obviously, none of them are as extreme as shooting people but it still is the same concept.
                Stress can lead to many terrible things and can make peoples life change and turn into something that they never thought it would be. Think about the hardest moments in your life and how you handled them and made you feel. Sometimes people just lose themselves and they act out irrationally. I’m not saying I think that it is ok that any of this happens I am just saying that I can see how it does and why it does.

                Also in this article it talks about how men feel the need to be dominant and have a sense of pride about themselves and quite honestly, I can second this as well. I always feel the need to be the sort of tough guy and give off a certain demeanor to make myself feel bigger than what I am. It is as simple as someone telling you that you don’t have the ability to do something so you have to prove to them that you do. It is a scary world and I hope there is change for the better. 

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