Monday, November 13, 2017

The article I read was about how watching TV could potentially make you smarter. The article starts off by saying that media might not always be the best information or the most realistic things out there but there might be a different way to look at it. They say that media can be more of a cognitive workout. It talks about the benefits of reading like attention, patience, and retention. In a recent study it shows that there are increased demands on those exact mental benefits. They talk about how complex tv series can help with memory because people will have to remember from episode to episode what has happened so far. Another study shows that people who follow TV drama understand concepts more thoroughly. TV shows that create suspense are also very good for your brain because it makes you make a guess or predict what is going to happen next and always keeps you thinking. Emotional or sad tv shows can make you express your emotions and actually help you by helping you control your emotions in your daily life. Do I agree with everything that was said in this article? No. Do I agree with some it? Yes. The ideas they studied and thought about were realistic and reasonable. But just sitting there watching something isn’t going to help you as much as learning hands on or learning a more traditional classroom way. I am always open to new things so I would never say that television couldn’t potentially make you smarter.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Who am I? I am Mason Larson. A privileged young man who hasn’t ever had to struggle for much. In my life I have been blessed with basically everything I have ever wanted. I have a good support base and a loving and caring family. I was raised to be a good young man and sometimes I get off track. my goal in my life is to make a positive impact and leave my mark on the world. I like having friendships and being close to people. I love being apart of a team and competing to my fullest ability. I am a happy person and try not to let anything bring me down. I try to live life with a smile on my face and will continue to live that way till the day I die.

Who do people think I am? People look at me and think that I am an out of control teenage kid. Lots of people look at me as being a punk because of my competitive nature. People think I am selfish and all about me. People think that I talk to much and say too much dumb stuff. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

With the number of shootings that have happened in America and now in the world there has been a stereo type that has been developed about shootings. In this article they talk about how the percentage of people who partake in these shootings are males and they talk about things on how it has to do with the way men act or their personality is.
                Quite honestly, I do agree with them on this a lot. There is no one on this earth that is the exact same as someone else and no one that has the same morals or beliefs. When I think about if I would ever do this I say no but there are many other things I have said that about that I have done too. Obviously, none of them are as extreme as shooting people but it still is the same concept.
                Stress can lead to many terrible things and can make peoples life change and turn into something that they never thought it would be. Think about the hardest moments in your life and how you handled them and made you feel. Sometimes people just lose themselves and they act out irrationally. I’m not saying I think that it is ok that any of this happens I am just saying that I can see how it does and why it does.

                Also in this article it talks about how men feel the need to be dominant and have a sense of pride about themselves and quite honestly, I can second this as well. I always feel the need to be the sort of tough guy and give off a certain demeanor to make myself feel bigger than what I am. It is as simple as someone telling you that you don’t have the ability to do something so you have to prove to them that you do. It is a scary world and I hope there is change for the better. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

I don’t think that this is as big as a deal as they are making it seem. There are hundreds and hundreds of photographers in Minneapolis and I promise you that most will shoot same sex marriages. They have the freedom of religion and freedom of their own beliefs to do what they want to do with their business and their lives. There is always going to be people who aren’t going to agree and are going to go against what most people would say is right and wrong. Everyone is the world has a different mind and a different outlook on everything and these people not wanting to go against their religion is not a bad thing at all. I am 100 percent not against gay marriage or same sex marriage but I understand other people’s point of views in most situations. Same sex marriage is a new and different thing in the world so people who partake in it should know that it isn’t going to be a smooth road all the time. You are going to get treated un equal and different sometimes but that is the sacrifice you are going to have to make. As of now I do not see this as a problem but in 20-30 years it may be. People change and so does the world but life always goes on. 

Monday, September 25, 2017

My first memory that I vividly remember is sledding with Zac Fries and Bo was pulling us behind the 4 wheeler and we let go of the rope and slid underneath their mom's car. I remember it mostly because it was so scary to me. 
I don't remember my very first lie but it was most likely about something crazy i did. 
People must pass a drug test before getting government help with food stamps or welfare. If drug test is failed they will not be given aid until drug test can be passed and it can be proven that they are not on drugs. Punishment will be in place if drug test are failed more than once. This amendment would be good with getting rid of the people who cheat the system and help people who actually need it.

Monday, September 18, 2017

US- Lebron
CS- Sprite
UR- Wanting to be like Lebron
CR- Wanting to drink sprite to be like Lebron
Summarize the amendment in 3 sentences or less
Bail or punishment should not be too extreme nor to less for what the crime is. Bail or punishment should be appropriate to how serious the crime is.
Prepare a 'cheat sheet' – Bail should not be to extreme for what has been done. Lots of times there is arguments on how bail is to extreme or is not enough but in a court of law usually it is set to a point where most people will agree with what is set.
Define any vocabulary terms (be ready to answer questions about any words or phrases you use!)
Bail- the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money be lodged to guarantee their appearance in court.
Answer the following:
                What is the historical background of this amendment (why was it made?)
It was apart of the english bill of rights in 1689 and was attached to the United States bill of rights in 1791.
                What does this amendment mean today?
It is pretty much the guidelines of the law system and how people are punished equally and fairly
                Present examples of current issues involving this amendment.

Every case that goes through court is affected by this amendment because it is suppose to avoid excessive bail and punishment but still today there is some cases that people think they were wrongly charged. 

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

1- In one sentence, what was the research about?
How dancing and mood enhancing activity can reverse aging.

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?

 It says a group not an exact number.

3- Was there a control group?

 Yes kind of they tested just elderly people around 68 who went to a certain dance class

4- How were the subjects chosen?
By age

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?
Just have them go to dance lessons

6- How did the subjects react?
Most of them enjoyed it and saw the results happen

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected

1- In one sentence, what was the research about?
How food that has preservatives might be the cause to some obesity

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?
Just a group of adults

3- Was there a control group?

4- How were the subjects chosen
 Just on being adults

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?
Took blood samples

6- How did the subjects react?
they didn’t

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected
They didn’t 

1- In one sentence, what was the research about?

 If forms of learning stimulation can help young children with learning difficulties.

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?

3- Was there a control group?

4- How were the subjects chosen?

 Ages 8 -11 with trouble in math and reading

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?
Put a cap on them and stimulated their head

6- How did the subjects react?
They helped them

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected
Pretty close

1- In one sentence, what was the research about?
It was how a child’s families income may affect the brain development.

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?


3- Was there a control group?

4- How were the subjects chosen?
Just randomly

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?
They just evaluated their life and health

6- How did the subjects react?

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

Thursday, August 24, 2017

What is your favorite word? Finesse
What is your least favorite word? Melancholy
What one thing do you like about your life? Genetics
What one thing do you not like about your life?
What profession would you like to attempt? Economics
What profession would you never attempt? Teaching
What 3 words describe you? Energetic, Out going, cooperative
Journal writing:

Psychology interest me because the brain is such a weird and hard thing to understand. Learning about how emotions work will probably be the thing I’m most excited to learn about. I know I won’t even learn even close to half of what there is to learn about the brain but even learning the basics and maybe getting an insight of what the study of psychology is will be a good experience. I really want to learn about different diseases and illness’s that affect some people’s brains. I am very interested in Charles Manson and how his whole thought process. It interests me that every person’s brain is different and there are so many different aspects to each person’s brain. To think that we only use 10 percent of it too is a scary thought. I would also like to learn how the brain of the smartest person in the world is different than some people that have lower IQs. Like what makes them different? Are there any discoveries in science that can make someone super smart over night? In my honest opinion, the brain is so complex that even the smartest people in the world can’t fully understand it. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

An Asian Auschwitz

In my opinion the United States did not do the right thing. I know that life isn’t always fair but with the court system we have in America they usually try to make things generally the same. Unit 731 did some similar things to the Nazis and we punished them but we did not punish unit 731. Both of these would be considered crimes against humanity in my opinion and for only one of them to be punished for it seems a little crazy to me.
This unit did experiments on live human beings. Shiro Ishii was the leader of unit 731. He and his men killed up to 12,000 men and women and no one survived. The people they killed were mostly Chinese prisoners but there were also Koreans, Soviets, and Mongolians. The thought about how someone can lead of group of people and can get them to do crazy nasty things like this and not get punished in any shape way or form bugs me a little bit. If you think about in America a person who murders just one person without any torture is sentenced to almost guaranteed life in prison. But someone who kills 12,000 people and tortures them and makes them go through living hell isn’t even punished.
By the sounds of the article some of the experiments were actually kind of reasonable and actually gave a little bit of helpful information. But most of the experiments were just messed up and made absolutely no sense on why they were performed. I would like for them to explain to me why they had to do some of the sick and twisted things like take out organs from live strapped down humans or put someone in a pressurized room until they die.
All of these sick and twisted things it makes me think that maybe some of these “scientists” in this group were maybe being forced. Maybe the government told them that they would kill them if they didn’t do these things. Or maybe they were just getting payed that much they needed to do it for their family. I still just can’t believe that there was a group of human beings that were so messed up in the head that they could do such a thing to other human beings.
The unit not only planned on killing people in their lab but they also had plans to poison American cattle so they would become worthless and maybe even kill thousands of American’s because of disease. To think that the American government knew about that and still let them get away harm free bugs me even more. I know they didn’t end up doing it but what if it did? What would be their reaction then?

To end it all off this whole article and situation is very disturbing and honestly depressing. It’s scary to think that such messed up stuff has happened in this world. I hope that articles like this can be read all over so that hopefully insane crimes against humanity can be avoided in the future.